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A New Season...

Who is ready for some cooler temperatures? When I walked out of the house this morning, I could feel fall in the air. I know it’s just a tease, but they are coming. I love fall! It is by far my favorite season. There’s something about the change in temperatures that is refreshing and awakening. As I thought about the weather, I also pondered the seasons of life and how God never changes.

During each season we experience times of joy, sadness, mourning, and battles that at times seem bigger than we can handle. During these seasons it can be hard to remain faithful.

As humans, we want to control every aspect of our life which is exactly what we are not supposed to do. It can be hard to step out on faith when your mind wants certainty before making your next move. Your heart knows you are supposed to live without fear and give it to God, however, it can be hard to convince your mind of that. No matter what the season, we have certainty in knowing that if we cast our cares upon him, he will answer. It may not be the answer we won’t, and he may not remove us from the valley, but he will never leave us to battle alone.

You can’t have a rainbow without a little rain

Seasons will come and go and when you don’t like change, that can be tough. Find faith in knowing while so many things change, God never does. He is the only constant in our life. He has a plan for us and has orchestrated our lives down to the last minute. There are some battles we will fight that will leaving us seeking why, and we may never understand why God will allow such to happen to us. Just know that he is in control and has a purpose. Life always goes according to His plan, not ours. Everything he does is for our good. No matter the season you are in, be sure your actions glorify and praise him. Remain faithful and his blessing will flow abundantly.

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